Hi tenants and future tenants! Are you looking forward to Spring as much as we are? This weather’s been… unpredictable, but one thing that isn’t is the sheer variety of fun events throughout Chicago. Imagine yourself bundled in one of our fabulous 4-bedroom apartments close to all of these events (such as the sunny, available unit above at 2214 N. Kenmore Ave. #3), knowing that wherever you go you have an amazing home base to return to.  City life is many things, but boring definitely isn’t one of them! To start off the month, we decided to give our tenants some tips to make sure their apartment is in tip-top shape:

That’s a ton of dope things to do around town this month! Keep checking back here, though, because the list is consistently updated. For all latest updates, be sure to follow us on Facebook. Stay cozy y’all!